> teak |

Maritime Wood Products has built its reputation on being able to source the finest teak in the world. We source our teak independently and globally, selecting only logs that meet our high standards and specifications.
Our logs are then converted into rough-sawn timbers and boards to our precise cut schedules. Each piece is coded to identify the individual log source, enabling us to supply sequence matched lumber for projects requiring superior visual effect.
When container shipments arrive at our facility, we carefully inspect each timber and board. Particular attention is paid to tightly controlled moisture content specifications achieved through custom drying procedures. As we process each teak timber and board through our millwork operations, we continually screen for defects.
We control the entire process – from logs to final product – to assure you of quality standards that address color and grain matches, superior milling process, and the highest tolerances matching your order request. |
We supply the finest teak lumber to professional builders throughout North America and the Caribbean. Our teak lumber is always of the highest grade and each order is hand-selected and twice-inspected before shipping. We provide teak lumber in vertical grain, mixed grain, or flat grain; and our teak lumber can be provided rough, surfaced, edged, or precision-milled to your exact specifications. Describe your project and our trained personnel will help optimize your purchase.
Are you looking for other exquisite hardwoods? Click here for Hardwoods.
Are you a builder of teak decks or floors? Click here for Teak Decking.
Are you a Homebuilder, Architect or Designer? Click here for Architectural. |
When your project calls for our highest grade offering, Maritime Wood Products provides single-log, matched Burma Teak lumber milled to your specifications, or left rough, so that your shop can take advantage of the superior visual effect. Widths to 24”+ are possible and lengths of 20’+ are not uncommon.

Our Teak Covering Boards incorporate the utmost attention to both color and grain match to yield the highest quality visual effect for discerning yacht owners. Matched covering board stock is available to ship either rough or milled. We will also custom cut to pattern if requested. |
We supply matched teak for transoms. Tell us your transom’s outside dimensions and finished thickness. We will provide you with the matched lumber you need to perform the final shaping and finishing of your transom on site.

Maritime Wood Products custom fabricates teak cap and toe rails to your profile and pattern. Our teak selection process ensures each rail component for a single yacht is sourced from one tree (wherever possible) to provide the finest visual match and coordination. For large projects which may require sourcing from more than one log, our highly skilled craftsmen take extra care matching color and grain.

We provide a full range of custom milling options, including re-sawing lumber up to 17 1/2 ” wide, ripping, and planning S2S, S3S and S4S. We sell lumber in the rough or milled to your specifications. When ordering rough lumber, allow additional width and thickness for milling. |
Our Presence in Teak
By controlling our own supply chain from forest to mill, we are able to consistently provide the finest logs, lumber, and teak decking to our customers. |